My Home Constructions


Congratulations! You have chosen a prestigious gated community project in Hyderabad.
You need to arrange for the following documents:

  • If you are employed – * Latest salary slip/salary certificate showing all deductions for at least the past 6 months.
  • Form 16 from your employer for the past 3 years. 
  • If you have been in your present employment, Business or Profession for Less than a year, mention details of occupation for previous 5 years, giving position held, reasons for change and period of the same.
  • Balance sheet and profit and loss account of the business/profession
  • Copies of individual income tax returns for the past three years as certified by a chartered accountant
  • A note giving information on the nature of the business or profession
  • Year of establishment, bankers, form of organization, details of the Clients, customers, suppliers etc
  • Certificate or relevant document certifying your net worth
  • Title deeds of the builder/land owner for a period of at least 13 years
  • Development agreement between the builder and land lord (if applicable)
  • General Power of Attorney (GPA) executed in favor of the builder (if applicable)
  • An Encumbrance Certificate (EC) for the past 13 years
  • Khasra Pahani Certificate which certifies the nature of the land ownership
  • A sanctioned plan and license
  • An agreement for sale and a construction agreement with the borrower
  • Estimates of costs from a qualified engineer
  • 1 passport size photograph
  • 1 copy of your passport/PAN card/Driving License/School Leaving Certificate/Birth Certificate/ LIC Policy/Bankers sign verification
  • 1 copy of last month’s telephone bill/electricity bill/ ration card (first and last page)/Title deed of property/rental agreement /driving license

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